Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cash for clunkers

This one, once again, comes courtesy of my sister's boyfriend. One of us has way too much time on their hands...

"Investment: $1,000,000,000
Cars Sold: 240,000 cars
Avg. MPG Increase: 9.62 mpg (from 15.78 to 25.4 mpg)
Avg. Miles Driven Per year: 12,000

240,000*9.6 = 2,304,000 effective mpg increase
12,000/25.4mpg = 472.45 gallons/yr after per car
12,000/15.78mpg = 760.46 gallons/yr before per car

113,385,827 total gallons used per year after
182,510,400 total gallons used per year before

69,124,573 total gallons difference per year

Average Car Life: 5 years
Gallons Saved (5 years): 345,622,865
Gov't Cost Per Gallon Saved: $2.89"

Pretty cool, huh? I also like how the government is essentially paying market price for a gallon of premium gasoline per gallon saved (here in Mass. anyway).

See kids? Isn't math fun?

Edit: Oh yeah, and the source for those numbers

1 comment:

  1. One thing I didn't add in was the potential market value recoup of cap & trade emissions. It's a little out of my realm of knowledge, but it seems there is some added value there.
