Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spin Cycle

So, this is it. I've finally decided to write a blog. Funny, I used to think all bloggers were narcissists.

It's not that I think that my thoughts are so profound that it is my duty share my opinions with the world. Quite the opposite, really. I'm just an American college student, what could I possibly know about the real world?

That doesn't stop me from thinking about it, though, and that's the real reason that I'm blogging. The world, the universe, people and the way they think and interact fascinates me, and at the end of the day I end up with a whole lot of questions. If you take one thing away from reading, it should be that, at all times, you should be asking questions. And I'm not even a philosophy major...

So, why Spin-Dash? Truth is, I thought of the name Spin-Dash when I was sitting in the library with a half-finished cover letter in front of me, comparing my mind to a washing machine on the spin cycle. It's contents get pushed to the side (too much daydreaming gets in the way of schoolwork, thanks middle school for teaching me that one!), and you have to peel them apart from one another to make sense of what's in there. Since I figured a blog titled Spin Cycle would delude people into thinking I was offering laundry tips, I thought Spin-Dash would be a more appropriate title, since you're taking a quick Dash through the thoughts that have Spun out of my mind. And please don't ask me for laundry advice. My clothes always come out wrinkled and a half-size too small.

My growing collection of belly-shirts aside, I decided to start blogging because I like questions, and I like answers that make sense. I don't like to just accept things as the way they are, I want to know why, and I hate it when people tell me they don't care or don't want to think about it. Like Socrates said, "A life unexamined is not worth living." (thanks to the Plotts for teaching me that one). We live in an extremely interesting time, folks. More and more, our world is connected and we all depend on each other. I just think it's cool to take a look at how and why.

So, if thinking about the way the world works isn't quite your cup of tea, or is a little too much to think about right now, I won't blame you if you close the browser window. Understanding how the pieces come together is a daunting task, and if it's a little too much (or much too much) to think about right now, that's fine. I'll be here if you come back.

However, if you do want to ask some questions and try to figure out some answers with me, I hope you stick around. Like I said, understanding the way the world works is a tall order, and I don't even begin to pretend I know how or that I can ever figure it out, but that doesn't mean we can't begin to try. You might want to pack some aspirin, though, just in case.

Welcome to Spin-Dash, everyone.

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